Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science & Technology


November 24th - 25th, 2022


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

All accepted papers will be published in a relevant "SCOPUS Indexed Journal"

About Conference

The International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICEST-2022), strives to bridge the long-existing gap between academics and experimental experts in these fields, believing that this kind of long-term association will result in the inception of this incredible and unique initiative connecting experts from all areas of Health Care Reform, Health Economics and Health Policy. This convention is devised primarily to furnish attendees with the rational forethought and intellectual savoir-faire that they are not expected to obtain from any other contemporary source. View More

Theme of the Conference

Seeing that the aim of the organizers of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICEST), is to stimulate the quickening of the development taking place all spectrums of Engineering, Technology, and Science, the theme for this conference will be centered around "Dissecting All Paradigms Of Contemporaneous Research Being Carried Out Across Engineering, Science and Technology - The Progress Being Made, Challenges Encountered & Intelligence Being Derived".

Many leading specialists comprising Globally Reputed Scientists, Engineering Professionals & Researchers, Technology Experts and Industry Experts, are anticipated to gather at the ICEST conference programmed to take place on the 24th - 25th of November 2022, in the city of extraordinary city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to go over the most advanced exploratory outcomes, reasoning, analytical findings and research conclusions, being accumulated by skilled Research Professionals, Scholars, Academics, R&D Experts and others, who are undertaking prolific experimentation enterprises throughout the world.


  • Early Bird Registration

    October 10th, 2022

  • Last Date of Abstract submission

    October 25th, 2022

  • Last Date of Registration

    November 9th, 2022

  • Last Date of Full Paper Submission

    November 8th, 2022

Scope and Benefits

  • ICEST-2022 will be a perfect platform for Students to express their innovative thoughts and unique research work at a global platform.
  • ICEST-2022 will provide scopes to Students to meet and interact with International Speakers and Scientists of National importance. Students can interact with session chairs related and working on relevant fields of their research.
  • To further redefine their innovations Students can consider the advices and technical suggestions of our chairs.
  • Students can publish their articles in reputed journals of International importance. Journals associated with ICEST conference are published in UGC, Scopus and Academia.
  • Articles presented at ICEST-2022 will be available for citation at reputed Scientific repositories like Science Direct, Research pedia and Academic Research Library.
  • ICEST-2022 will create a bridge between Industrial professionals and Academic professionals which leads to exchanging of approaches and ideas about technological innovations.
  • ICEST-2022 will provide a platform to Industrial professionals to exhibit their recent researchers which help to drive the global world.
  • To further redefine their innovation technologies they can consider the advices and technical suggestions of our high experienced chair persons.
  • Industrial professionals can publish their articles in reputed journals of International importance. Journals associated with ICEST conference are published in UGC, Scopus and Academia.
  • Articles presented at ICEST-2022 will be available for citation at reputed Scientific repositories like Science Direct, Research pedia and Academic Research Library.
  • ICEST-2022 will be a perfect platform for Faculties, Professors, academicians to express their innovative thoughts and unique research work at a global platform.
  • ICEST-2022 will provide scopes to faculties to meet and interact with International Speakers and Scientists of National importance. Professors can interact with session chairs related and working on relevant fields of their research.
  • To further redefine their innovations professors can consider the advices and technical suggestions of our chairs.
  • Faculties can publish their articles in reputed journals of International importance. Journals associated with ICEST conference are published in UGC, Scopus and Academia.
  • Articles presented at ICEST-2022 will be available for citation at reputed Scientific repositories like Science Direct, Research pedia and Academic Research Library.

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