Thesis Submission and Evaluation Process

Thesis submission and evaluation are two major milestones in the journey of a PhD student. Understanding the entire thesis submission and evaluation process may help candidates learn about the clear expectations of examiners. So, they focus more in the right direction when preparing their thesis.

Banner image with a Researcher looking his laptop finding ways to "thesis submission and evaluation process"This blog will discuss the step-by-step thesis submission and evaluation process. Before that, let’s understand what PhD thesis submission and thesis evaluation are.

What is a PhD thesis submission?

A PhD thesis is the main output of a PhD. The paper focuses on the original research work carried out by the student. Based on this document, the student can successfully earn the doctoral degree. Additionally, it demonstrates that the PhD student has achieved mastery in the field and can pursue independent research and scholarship. 

PhD thesis submission is the formal process to submit the finished thesis to the concerned university for evaluation. This is a very important milestone in the lives of candidates pursuing PhD and wanting to complete the degree successfully. So, it is very important to understand the characteristics and format of thesis writing and submission to increase your chances of successful evaluation.

What is PhD thesis evaluation?

Understanding the PhD thesis evaluation process and criteria can be very helpful to students. In this process, examiners examine and evaluate the submitted thesis with attention to detail. As a result, they judge whether the thesis is passed or not passed.

They also provide the result with a written report on their decision explaining whether or not the thesis is ready for final submission, as well as recommendations for necessary changes. This evaluation determines whether or not the student is prepared for the oral defense. Candidates must focus on clear language, correct grammar, proper citation style, clarity, research work, and critical analysis.

Step-by-step process of thesis submission and evaluation process

Here are the seven steps of the thesis evaluation and submission process:

Step 1: Pre-submission preparation

Every university or other educational institution outlines guidelines for various aspects of a thesis. So, once your paper is ready, carefully cross-check to verify whether your thesis fulfils the procedures and criteria outlined by the organization. Get signatures from all concerned officials as and when necessary before the submission.

Step 2: Submitting your PhD thesis

Your university or academic institution may introduce different methods for submitting PhD thesis. Two common methods are electronic submission, submitting the printed copy in person, or both. So, candidates must check for acceptable methods carefully and follow all submission guidelines to avoid potential mistakes.

Step 3: Examination and evaluation of a thesis

A thesis committee consisting of external and internal examiners examines all submitted papers. Internal examiners are faculty members from the university’s own department. On the other hand, external examiners are field experts from other institutions. PhD thesis examiners, internal or external, must be established scholars with competence in the field of thesis research. They must hold a doctorate or equivalent qualification without any conflict of interest.

When evaluating a thesis, examiners review the paper independently, assessing its originality, overall quality of work, methodology, grammar and spelling, etc. As the outcome of the process, examiners write a report or statement concluding the examination of the thesis. This report is signed by the supervisor, who may request a revision of the thesis language.

Step 5: Defense (if application)

Once you submit your work, the committee assigns a date to defend your work. It is important to note that a thesis defense is not an argument. Instead, it is designed so that concerned committee members can ask open-ended questions and ensure that the candidate understands the research field. Depending on the requirements, it can be as short as 20 minutes or as long as an hour.

Step 6: Decision

The examiner committee takes one of the following decisions for your thesis:

  • Acceptance
  • Revision
  • Rejection

Step 7: Final submission

If the paper is accepted, it means you have already submitted it. In case of revisions, the candidate makes necessary changes to the paper. Once you get approval for the revised thesis, you can submit the final document to the university or academic institution. You can also get help from thesis writing service providers to make sure it is well written.

How long does it take to evaluate a PhD thesis?

It typically takes 3-5 months to examine and evaluate a PhD thesis carefully. A research paper is a lengthy document; rushing the review process can result in many potential mistakes. So, examiners take time to review the paper.

Here are some tips for PhD students to ensure a smooth and timely completion of the thesis evaluation process:

  • Carefully read and follow the PhD submission guidelines to avoid making any errors.
  • Discuss the entire process with the supervisor to understand key details.
  • Send a thesis draft to the supervisor for review and set deadlines for the response. 
  • Take help from professional thesis writing services who provide guidance and assistance in paper.


Hope you understand the process to submit thesis and evaluation. Are you having issues with thesis writing or submission? If yes, then the ARDA Conference can help you with the best thesis writing services on any topic. We have good knowledge of how to follow the format for thesis submission. You can reach us by email or phone.

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