How to Publish Research Paper in SCI, SCIE, ESCI Journals?
The name of the company that owns all three indexing databases – SCI, SCIE & ESCI is now Clarivate Analytics and not Thomson Reuters. Thomson Reuters sold every one of these properties and science businesses to Clarivate Analytics in 2016. The first printed citation index for published articles was the Science Citation Index (SCI). A larger web-based version of the Science Citation Index with the name Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) is now available. Currently, one can access SCIE-indexed journals through the Web of Science, which also has other core collections, such as
- The Social Science Citation Index
- Arts and Humanities Citation Index
- Book Citation Index
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index
- Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
The ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) was started as a distinct database within the WOS – Web of Science platform. All journal publications submitted to WOS will first be assessed for ESCI and if deemed appropriate indexed in ESCI. It is worth noting that journals indexed in ESCI will not have impact factors. But ESCI journals over time depending on their acceptability and citations will be considered for reviewing impact factors.
Publishing a paper in an SCI, SCIE & ESCI-indexed journal – the process in a nutshell
For the results of scientific research to be published in a journal that is indexed either in the SCI, SCIE or ESCI journal indexing databases. They must be presented in the form of a scientific article. Doing so involves scientific writing skills and know-how. Scientific writing is entirely based on an age-old tradition. That has its roots in the 17th century, back when the very first scientific article was published. And some authors still today consider it to be a very demanding profession. Owing to the high standards imposed on not just SCIE and ESCI-indexed journals but also SCI-indexed journals it is difficult or close to impossible that a poorly written (even though relevant) article could be published in such a journal. Notwithstanding, scientific writing is still not taught these days. And in most cases, scientists have to learn the basic principles of trial and error.
A large number of scholars have written on the art of writing and publishing research papers. On searching for the topic ‘how to write a scientific article’ (whether it be for journals indexed in the Web of Science database, the Scopus database, ARDA publications or otherwise), one will notice hundreds of articles published in hundreds of different journals from various countries. The authors cover several topics such as what constitutes interesting research, publication of theoretical articles, qualitative research and reasons for rejecting articles. Additionally, there are also many relevant books covering the subject as well. For this article, a number of these articles and books have been closely examined and combined.
The following framework is proposed to offer a summary of the most vital suggestions for newbie authors. This framework will help authors to submit articles successfully and publish in SCI, SCIE & ESCI-indexed journals. This framework could facilitate the process of writing and publishing articles in such a journal seamlessly for anyone be they an amateur research professional or an experienced one.
The 4C ideology is based on the premise. The following abilities are essential for the successful publication of scientific research work
- Competence: Choose a relevant topic that is explored to the highest standards.
- Course: Targeting the right journal with the right subject.
- Composition: Carefully plan the composition of the article.
- Contents: Linking theory to methodology supported by competence in the mastery of writing. The process is iterative and at any point in time, a researcher can rethink the essence of the previous steps and choose to make further revisions.
The level of mastery of scientific writing determines the category to which the article belongs
- Major results – very significant
- Sound, substantial, engaging work – a definite contribution, minor but positive contribution to knowledge
- Elegant and technically correct but unnecessary
- Neither elegant nor useful, but not false
- False and misleading
- So poorly written that a technical evaluation is impossible
It is crucial to stress that the proposed writing framework is by no means typical of journals indexed in the SCI, SCIE & ESCI journal indexing databases. However, the proposed framework is an appropriate route for the publication of journals indexed in these databases. Since most of them impose very high standards of publication regarding both the pertinence of the content and the writing abilities of the author.
ARDA Professional Publishing Support Services – Facilitating Seamless & Successful Publication
Whether one is a doctoral student, undergrad student or senior researcher time is a precious commodity. Several obstacles may arise in publishing one’s research. However, the experts at ARDA help every step of the way to make a researcher’s publishing journey as smooth as possible.
In addition, ARDA also offers a range of service packages to choose from so that researchers can find the one that matches their needs perfectly. ARDA’s panel of scientific publication experts will review an article and provide constructive feedback to help the author of the article improve their manuscript before submitting it to SCI journals, SCIE journals & ESCI journals of their choice.
ARDA Conference team of experts will work with authors to find out which appropriate journals are for their brand of research and assist them with editing the manuscript before submission, performing a technical review and providing post-submission assistance as needed.
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